Support A Stranger (SAS)- A Unique and Special Platform where you have the opportunity to support a
person or community of choice who cannot afford treatment.
You might have items, equipment or technology that can assist us to grow together.

Learn to Lead (L2L)- A special programme to train the trainer
in Mental Health and Lifestyle issues so we can reach the world.

Pioneers– Are you an individual or corporate body with a fresh idea you believe can transform lives? Reach
out to us and we can help you become a Pioneer in the field

Speak 2 Me- Take a moment to listen to what your heart wants to offer the world.
With LAMHP’s help, sharing your experiences can impacts the world positively.
Talk is cheap so whatever you can do to say the right things is a worthy investment. We believe everyone
can help one and this encourages us to mentor every willing soul on supporting the mentally unwell